Wednesday, December 31, 2008


SLOG drives one last stake in one of Waldo's favorite coffins:

Ron Paul’s Dopes: A bunch of liberal suckers, many of them techies, were taken for a ride on Republican Ron Paul’s absurd blimp. When confronted with his racist ramblings of past and right-wing assholery, the Borg-for-Paul crowd sputtered about their prophet’s sensible drug policy. True, a sensible drug policy would be nice—but get a grip, people, it’s not worth having a douche-nozzle for a president. Not that he ever had a chance.

What has been really interesting is watching some  of his blog supporters morph back into cranky, largely self-interested Republicans.

And how much The Borg looks like a Vogon Constructor Fleet Ship. Talk about slumming-

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