Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Somewhere, Spartanburg Republicans are exulting, "The sun really DOES revolve around us."

The up-and-coming Conservativist blog makes interesting reading but its latest on infighting in the party in Spartanburg reads like a Page Six blind item: lots of innuendo, titillating reading, no sourcing. It's like The Palmetto Scoop's relentless campaign to build an argument that Katon (or, as NPR's Juan Williams had it, "KAY-tawn") Dawson will be RNC chair, citing the same, solitary Washington Times article again and again.

The trouble with most of the SC blogdom's Republican/conservative (the two concepts meet occasionally) bloggers is that too many have apparent but undisclosed irons in the fire of one camp or another.

You just can't be a player and an observer. Well, not and produce anything much worth reading. It's all spin. As Ronald Reagan used to say, "There must be a pony in there somewhere."

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