Monday, September 14, 2009

Nothing like being able to father kids you'll barely see through kindergarten

Elton John, seeking to join the celebrity "buy a baby from an obscure land" contest, went for a kid from Ukraine. The Ukraine government said no, he's too old and too gay. Elton, that is.

John is 62; his partner, David Furnish, is 46.

Tell it to the last child of Saul Bellow, who fathered a child at 84 and died at 89, and whose son Adam wrote:
I am my father's second son; my parents divorced when I was 2 and I never lived with him again. He had three sons with his first three wives and, much later, a daughter with his fifth. Four only children, connected by a slender thread: a fond but highly attenuated bond with a frequently distracted, often absent and much older father.

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