Monday, September 14, 2009

So why's Made In Multiples funding a Joe Wilson fundraising tee shirt?

A reader kindly explains who is Paul Shriver, the person Boy Fogle says is underwriting his roadside tee shirt stand for Congressman Joe Wilson:

I know Paul Shriver. He is a nice guy who owns Made In Multiples. They are a pretty well known promotional apparel company. I am sure they would sell you shirts too if you call yourself. You are just mad because you can't think outside of the box and come up with such a good idea. His number is on the website, give him a call. BTW...his wife is Dana Moody Shriver. She is the brain child as she is a marketing genius! Paul just owns the company.

With the astronomical success of the “I’m With Joe Wilson” t-shirts created by The Palmetto Scoop and Made In Multiples, we have decided to begin selling them online with the profits going to the Congressman’s campaign.

So now we know who Richard Shriver is...the question remains, why is he underwriting a tee shirt campaign for Joe Wilson? Does MIM do any of Boy Fogle's blogwares?


  1. I know Dana Moody and if you think she is a genius, you must be a mental midget.

  2. Dana Moody a genius? Is there a new rating scale that I am not aware of? What's this new definition of genius you speak of?

  3. If you know Dana Moody, you also know she's nothing more than a pretty face. You may have seen the movie "You, Me and Dupree" in which Dupree speaks of "throwing 7 different kinds of smoke". Well, Dana also throws 7 different kinds of smoke. Unfortunally, they are all blown strait up your "you know what". She will make promises all day long, but she never follows through.

  4. Where are the old post from the republicans that were up here at one time???....hmmmm
