Saturday, September 19, 2009

To ask the question is to answer it, and makes you seem kinda faggy, too

Chance the Gardener is turning into a bitter old fashion queen (leaving aside how one's dress makes a couple "imperious"):

Is It Racist to Make Fun of Michelle Obama?

Or to point out how imperious the First Couple is?

Is she really the new Jackie Kennedy? Here's a photo of her at a White House meeting on Friday wearing something that looks like the suicide belt terrorists wear:


It reminded me of the ridiculous get up she wore while visiting Westminster Abbey when she flew with her girls over to London to do a bit of sight seeing.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see your Mr. Blackwell-like ability to shred one's wardrobe is bipartisan! But I do think this outfit is much worse than my shiny shirt and tie....
