Sunday, October 25, 2009

DeMint's- and the SC GOP's odd obsession with sex

The Spartanburg Herald has an interesting comparison of Senator Jim DeMint's views of how to revive the Republican Party and Senator Lindsey Graham's views. The latter's are grounded on this planet.

In the meantime, when it comes to equal rights, DeMint has got his dream for 30 real conservatives in the US Senate:

Remember when Jim DeMint said he'd rather have 30 like-minded Republicans than a large tent majority? Well, he and 28 other like-minded Senate members (including one Democrat) voted against the latest Defense Authorization bill, which included an amendment expanding hate crime protections in regards to gender, sexual orientation, and disability.

No surprises that DeMint rolls out the same arguments that have been refuted by supporters of the hate crimes bill for years, including an attempt to play off the fears of religious persecution and the protection of pedophiles and people in wheelchairs who like to run over feet.* Well, that last one was mine.

The most important thing to remember is that legal protection from violence only goes so far to deter hate crimes. An even better tool is a diverse community that stands up against this violence.

*Backstory here. Waldo's link to the tale got him fatwahed by Scoop Doggy. Will McLovin' now go after Greg Hambrick?

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