Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not that simple

Hundreds of Dutch activists have walked out of a Mass in protest at a Roman Catholic policy of denying communion to practising homosexuals.

..The man at the centre of the row has said he just wants equal treatment - if he is regarded as a sinner, he wants the priest to refuse communion to all other sinners too.

1 comment:

  1. There's validity, but also a problem in the man's statement. The problem comes in with the commandment of Jesus to the adulteress - to go and sin no more. Where as your average pew sitter sins, and sins in great multitude, they usually do so in ways that aren't public. But to declare onesself and active homosexual (repeatedly?) doesn't show any sense of contrition. In this regard, he's approaching it the wrong way. It shouldn't be that my sin is equal to everyone else, because then you subject yourself to that public/private debate - the issue is, is homosexual activity really sinful.
