Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Inside the teeming id of the Democrats AND the Republicans

Wonkette sums up the increasingly arcane Affaire Massa:

So much Eric Massa today, and so many claims of naked penis sightings between him, Rahm Emanuel, Glenn Beck, and a male staffer at a wedding and in the Congressional Showers. Here is a clip from some 2006 campaign movie (when Eric Massa lost, in his first run) where Rahm Emanuel — then head of the DCCC — visits the New York 29th to “inspect” this gay Navy monster. He tells Massa not to be so angry. Who ever likes being told that? Still: Rahm has such a girly voice for THE MOST EVIL MAN IN THE HISTORY OF HELL.

Read more at Wonkette: http://wonkette.com/tag/eric-massa/#ixzz0hgLxSmTz

Click the link for the video.

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