Tuesday, March 9, 2010

News from the Closet

Former NY congressman Eric Massa seems to be adopting the Spiro Agnew "Leave Quietly...Or Else" victim theory as allegations mount he's a serial male staff groper. It's bad news when even the White House mocks you:
"Last week, he, on Wednesday, was having a recurrence of cancer. On Thursday, he was guilty of using salty language. On Friday, we learned he's before the ethics committee to be investigated on charges of sexual harassment," Gibbs said. "So, look, I think, clearly, his actions appear to be in the appropriate venue in the ethics committees to look at, but we're focused not on crazy allegations but instead on making this system work for the American people rather than work for insurance companies."
"Christianist" hate blogger Sunlit Uplands still has not welcomed California state Senator Roy Ashburn to the Republican Sodomy Club, even as Ashburn has pledged to keep voting against gay rights legislation.

Talk about ungrateful.

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