Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Welcome to South Carolina, Pastor Ssempa: you can show Sunlit Uplands what REAL hate means

Waldo's always tinkering with the mix in Blogside Reading, the sidebar of other blogs he thinks worth tracking. There's some Waldo likes and others he thinks are risible, if not contemptible, but who still have things to say.

So that's why Waldo has added the new blog by "Pastor" Martin Ssempa of Uganda, who wants- with the aid and encouragement of American evangelicals- to pass legislation to round up gay Ugandans and kill them (and imprison those who know gays and don't turn them in). For a while Waldo's had a blog by an anonymous gay Ugandan up, and it only seemed fair to have both sides of the debate available for readers.

US Christianists are making parts of Africa and eastern Europe testing grounds for ideas they want to bring home. It's useful to know what's in the production line. And, of course, like Fox News, we want to be "fair and balanced."

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