Sunday, May 2, 2010

-and to think congressional Republicans make this guy their point man on terrorism

Republican Congressman Peter King is an idiot.

A top House Republican said Sunday that an attempted car bombing in New York City might have been tied to a controversial episode of "South Park."
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said that a car bomb found Saturday night in Times Square might have been the work of Islamic extremists who were upset over an episode of the Comedy Central series that attempted to depict the prophet Muhammad.
"It's one possibility out of 100, but this vehicle was close to a Viacom building, which owns MTV and Comedy Central," King said Sunday during an appearance on CNN. "And you have the whole issue with 'South Park,' which Islamic terrorists were threatening to have retribution for. So all of these things have to be looked at."

So how come they didn't try to blow up the Viacom Building when South Park pictured Saddam Hussein going to Hell and becoming Satan's boyfriend? And if the bozo in the Pathfinder wanted to punish Viacom, why the hell didn't he park in front of Viacom's office tower? And if they were his target, why park in the theater district- when thousands would be going to shows- and not in front of Viacom, when nobody would be there anyway?

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