Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Joe Wilson to fiscal conservatives: drop dead

That poll hasn't stopped two SC congressman from co-sponsoring a bill to study adopting a VAT and other consumption taxes: absentee Congressman J. Gresham Barrett (R-Running for Governor) and Congressman Joe Wilson (R-Friend of Bulgaria).

What's the magic here? Consumption taxes are highly regressive, and will further the GOP goal of America's rich eventually paying no taxes at all so they can invest it in job creation. Not.

GOP poll confirms that lots of people don’t like the Value-Added Tax

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More than two thirds of Americans oppose the imposition of a Value-Added Tax, according to a new poll released Tuesday which also shows that voters, by a two-to-one margin, think the government needs to rein in its rate of spending.
“Voters think a VAT is a bad idea by 67 to 21 percent,” says the polling memo written by veteran Republican strategist Ed Gillespie, for the group Resurgent Republic.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2010/05/04/gop-poll-confirms-that-lots-of-people-dont-like-the-value-added-tax/#ixzz0mxVuGwCO

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