Friday, August 6, 2010

Senator Jim DeMint's Nevada Mini-Me, Sharron Angle, has given another non-interview interview:
Republican Sharron Angle believes the clergy should be allowed to endorse candidates from the pulpit and opposes laws allowing gays to adopt children, according to a questionnaire by the Nevada Senate hopeful that was obtained by The Associated Press.
Angle, who is trying to unseat Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, completed the four-page questionnaire for a conservative political action committee that has endorsed her candidacy.
The document provides a window into Angle's social and moral views, which would place her among Congress' most conservative members at a time of ongoing culture wars over gay rights, abortion and the boundaries between religion and government.
Among her positions, outlined in answers to 36 yes-or-no questions, Angle would oppose making sexual orientation a protected minority in civil rights laws. In a section on school prayer, she affirms that students and teachers should be able to talk openly about religion in schools, including the right to "publicly acknowledge the Creator."
The federal government bans churches from participating in political campaigns on behalf of candidates, but Angle said clergy should be able to express views on candidates from the pulpit.
Angle, a Southern Baptist, has talked openly about her faith and how it informs her politics. She describes her campaign as a spiritual calling, and accused Reid and Democrats in Washington of trying to "make government our God" by expanding entitlement programs.
Reid's campaign has called those comments "radical" and "frightening."
In the questionnaire, submitted to the Washington-based Government is not God political committee, Angle said she would vote in Congress to prohibit abortion "in all cases," and considers a fetus a person under the Constitution.
The Washington-based group's website says it supports candidates who oppose abortion rights and "stand firmly against the unbiblical welfare state that is destroying the spiritual and economic greatness of our nation."
Other Republican Senate candidates endorsed by the committee include California's Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio in Florida, J.D. Hayworth in Arizona and Jane Norton of Colorado, according to its website.
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