Monday, November 15, 2010

Get 'em tipsy first

The New York Times' coverage of the coming of the Civil War becomes more excellent by the day. In the latest, they describe how even hotheaded South Carolinians didn't want to go seccesh all alone. So they threw a dinner party to get Georgia on board:
 As it happened, on Friday, two days after the resignation of Magrath et al, Bartow and his fellows from Savannah were arriving on a reciprocal visit to Charleston. Gourdin laid on a spread, treating 77 Georgians and 123 South Carolinians, august and important men every one, to a banquet consisting of turtle soup, turkey, mutton, capon, ham, tongue, lamb chops, duck, shrimp, oysters, turtle steak, pies, pastries, ice cream, figs, coffee, sherry, bourbon, scotch, wine, champagne, claret, port, brandy and Madeira.
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