Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another great blogger hangs it up

Tory blogger Iain Dale is giving up blogging. More's the pity.

Dale's one of those UK politicos who seems to be everywhere at once- radio, television, publishing, the news papers. Openly gay, he came close to being selected for a parliamentary seat in the last UK elections and advanced an agenda of tolerance the conservative party in this country get their freak on about (then start assigning their pollsters how to take advantage of).

Dale's also giving up active participation in party politics. That's sad, too. The Tories need people like him.

I had a brief chance to work with Dale in 2008, when he set up an international stable of bloggers to cover the American presidential election in real time. I was given NBC. He's an impressive guy. It was a fun evening, seeing how people on two continents could contribute to a common project.

What may be the most significant aspect of Dale's decision- in terms of where the world is going- is that he says he will continue to comment on matters of interest to him- on Twitter.

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