Monday, February 7, 2011

The Fox News poll

CPAC's straw poll has fifteen potential presidential candidates on it this year, which suggests the GOP's got a long but thin bench (comments added):

The CPAC 2011 straw poll

Here's the full list of '12 prospects who are listed on CPAC's presidential straw poll this week.

a. Michele Bachmann; Congressional Tea Party Caucus self-appointed leader, Main advantage of her bid would be she'd have to give up her House seat unless she's a true opportunist. On Fox every few days.

b. Haley Barbour: one of the GOP's fat candidates. If you want to channel the Spirit of Strom Thurmond, you can hardly beat  a mumbler like Barbour, who claimed his comments about his racially-friendly childhood were misunderstood. Take out the chaw, Haley.

c. Herman Cain; Former pizza executive, African-American radio talk show host. Snappy dresser. Ask Michael Steele about a GOP nominee who's black.

d. Chris Christie: this century's William Howard Taft, only mean. On Fox every few days.

e. Mitch Daniels: short and the least convincing combover int he race. Trying to be a conservative Dukakis claiming the turned Indiana into paradise.Trying to get Fox to get him on every few days.

f. Newt Gingrich; Serial adulterer, forced to resign as Speaker of the House, racing Barbour and Christie in the let's elect a heart attach president. 2012 will be a key year for people who want to be VP. On Fox every few days.

g. Mike Huckabee: He's put on weight since taking a TV show on Fox.

h. Jon Huntsman: took the king's shilling ,now rejects it.

i. Gary Johnson: pot smoker.

j. Sarah Palin: On the Fox payroll.

k. Ron Paul: smiley-faced hater who- when confronted by the racists and Birchers who have flocked to his side for decades, just shrugs and says,"I didn't really know who was writing those news letters (Lew Rockwell) or what they said. Also noted for letting his 2008 campaign manager died of a sudden and mysterious illness because he was too cheap to give his staff health coverage. Has supporters who want to create Pauline communes in the middle of off the grid desert sites, and, among the more wealthy and nuts, in floating sea platforms. Has an obsession with the gold standard  that gladdens the hearts of Glen Beck's remaining advertisers.

l. Tim Pawlenty: an ideological whore.

m. Mitt Romney: says corporate CEOs make the best presidents. When's the last time we had one? Check out the 2008 video where he appears with a bunch of black people in his starched shirt and tie and says, "Who let the dogs out? Who, who-who who?" Or his health care plan. Or his Senate campaign to out-gay-rights opponent Ted Kennedy.

n. Rick Santorum: He took a dead baby home from the hospital to introduce it to his kids. He and his wife slept with it. He kept photos of it on his Senate desk. He is famous for comparing same-sex couples to "Man on Dog Sex" and lost his last re-election race by nearly twenty points among the people who knew him best.

o. John Thune: Tall, jut jawed, and raising no cash. It's the Barry Goldwater jaw fetish 46 years later.

Ten of the prospects are speaking at the event, while five aren't (Christie, Huckabee, Palin, Huntsman and Johnson).
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