Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kinda like having an airplane crash at the end of your street: you just can't tear yourself away.

Ah, well, yes...the Academy Awards...

They brought on a couple of young stars to try and modernize the show and get a better audience demographic.

Didn't work. They projected stuff on different kinds of screens.

The music? Cheesy, wrong-end-of-the-Strip lounge act. The women's costumes? The world has been plucked bare of ostrich feathers. Male facial hair? Embarrassing. Someone really needs to pull Christian Bale aside.

Acceptance speeches? Cringe-making (would you name a daughter Bronte? Gratuitous political comments? Enough to get by. Family values moments? Overwhelming. Everyone loves their wives and kids, and pizza tastes good, and the moon is round).

Audience? All-white. Nominees? Ditto. But a blonde woman from Denmark got an award for a foreign pic. Halle Berry offered a perfunctory tribute to Lena Horne.

Self-absorption? Biggest sponge on the planet.

The really sad part is how many really good movies were issued this past year that will never be shown in most of the United States.
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