Friday, February 11, 2011

Next up: study re-instituting slavery as a job creation measure

Here's a story from the loon corner of the SC Senate Republican Caucus their ambitious consultant/blogger won't tell you about:

A bill in the South Carolina Senate would set up a committee to study whethe rSouth Carolina should create its own currency of gold and silver coins as an alternative to the U.S. dollar.
Sen. Lee Bright, R-Spartanburg, introduced the bill after seeing that Georgia, Virginia and Missouri are also looking at the same thing.
"I think a lot of folks are concerned about what's happening in our federal government and about the debt that we're in," Sen. Bright says.
"I got concerned that the government, or the Federal Reserve might make an attempt to monetize the debt through inflation and folks that have saved all this time would obviously be the ones that would be hurt the most. So if folks wanted to have an opportunity, through gold and silver at a state level, like they're looking at in Virginia, like they're looking at in Georgia, like they're looking at in Missouri, I wanted to make sure that South Carolina was not left behind," he says.


  1. Gold and silver coinage minted by the US government in past is still legal tender. If someone wants to pay me for $100 worth of services with five $20 gold pieces or 100 silver dollars from 1935 or earlier, I will gladly take them.

    But, somehow, I don't think this is what they have in mind.

  2. Well, I was just a'wonderin where S.C. would get the money to buy enough gold to produce significant coinage, not to mention the cost of the mint, production costs, etc. Maybe there's more money sitting around in the state than we've been led to believe?

    BTW, how would one go about paying their Visa bill or car payment with S.C.'s coins?
