Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Her unidentified, only, gay friend from 2008 must be pleased.

Mrs Palin- who faintly chided CPAC for not letting all right-wingers rave together, is now siding firmly with the  antigay absolutists ( which goes a long way to explain her silence over her kids' antigay Facebook slurs).
But just as interesting as what Palin said is who Palin said it to. Unlike most of her pronouncements, this didn't come from her Facebook page or on her Twitter account. Instead, Palin "offered this exclusive response" to the anti-gay group the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), which has been fundraising off the Justice Department's decision that DOMA was unconstitutional.
"I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman," Palin told NOM's Maggie Gallagher. "Like the majority of Americans, I support the Defense of Marriage Act and find it appalling that the Obama administration decided not to defend this federal law which was enacted with broad bipartisan support and signed into law by a Democrat president."
"It's appalling, but not surprising that the President has flip-flopped on yet another issue from his stated position as a candidate to a seemingly opposite position once he was elected," she added.
Gallagher, who told TPM yesterday that NOM staffers "fully expect the House to intervene," asked in a blog post that the statement be attributed to NationForMarriage.org.

Of course, nobody knows what her 2012 plans are from minute to minute, but when your poll ratings are sliding badly it's always a smart bet to get your base mad.

Trouble is, she's angling for the same lot of Know-Nothings as Huckabee, Santorum, and the increasingly ideological whore on the corner, T-Paw.

The fun part of this revival of demonizing Americans is that the President, by punting, has forced the GOP to face its worst inner urges to hate and roll out the same tired, failed arguments they've tried so many times before.
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