Tuesday, March 1, 2011

They're getting hungry in the piranha tank

The SC GOP consultant/blogger bitchfest has shifted to Facebook, and with more than a little whiff of race-baiting thrown in:

I do not usually pay too much attention to these types of people, but the hyprocrisy coming from Billy Pickering has gotten completely out of hand. Billy needs to learn that political campaigns aren't always black and white. It's not always right versus wrong. He lost a campaign and now he needs to get over it. I would appreciate you reading this post and leaving your supportive comments.
It’s not often that you’ll see me taking up for my fellow members of the “Punk Posse.” God knows I’ve had my run-ins with Will Folks. Robert Cahaly and I have fought for years. Jay W. Ragley and I have been on opposite sides of the political coin much of our careers. Preston Grisham is the exception
16 hours ago ·  ·  · Share
  • 4 people like this.
    • Allen Olson note to all politicians, if someone comes to you saying they could deliver the TEA Party vote, run. The only one that can deliver the TEA Party vote is the candidate themself, we are really not as gullable as some seem to think we are :-)
      16 hours ago · 
    • Wesley Donehue Allen - EXACTLY. That's what I like to hear. And that's why some of this gets under my skin. Attacking political operatives for being paid while partaking in this kind of activity is the height of hypocrisy.
      16 hours ago · 
    • Billy Pickering 
      Wow! Good Morning!

      I'll respond to the rest of your post later today but will clear one thing up right now.

      Never once did I say, insinuate or infer I would or could deliver the Tea Party vote! I had no involvement in the Tea Party at all bef...See More
      15 hours ago · 
    • Wesley Donehue Completely untrue. You specifically said that you could raise tons of cash from Tea Partiers with money bombs. Don't toss out trash if you cannot take it. I await for your post about how a paid political operatives are now turning their guns on good hearted tea party activists. Have it buddy.
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Billy Pickering 
      Perhaps Wes, you need to ask those I mentioned before making those accusations. My responsibilities with the campaign had nothing at all to do with the Tea Party. My focus was vets and military.

      Keep digging your hole though bud. It's confir...See More
      15 hours ago · 
    • Wesley Donehue You're a paid political hack attacking people for being paid political hacks. I know everything I need to know about you. You're a hypocrit. Another wolf in sheep's clothing full of hate and anger because you lost a race. You lost. Get over it. Jump back on the horse and win one instead of being a jerk.
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Jeff Mattox I love it. Thanks guys I needed a laugh. Maybe cage wrestling, Wes with a bow tie and Billy with a thong, now that would get you some ratings!
      15 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Earl Capps Allen, good point. Those who promise the Tea Party vote are like those on the Democratic side who promise you the black vote if you pay them. They're con artists. The last time Tea Party types can be is controlled, packaged and led around, and anyone who thinks they can be really doesn't get it.
      15 hours ago · 
    • Wesley Donehue 
      Billy - it's easy to hide behind a computer and sling lies around the Internet. It is much harder to do so in person. Consider this an invitation to debate this issue in person on Pub Politics. We will be shooting tomorrow at the Public Hou...See More
      15 hours ago ·  ·  3 people
    • Earl Capps I'll add this - as a blogger who puts my name on my blog and makes plenty of effort to put myself out there for people to reach, it says a lot when someone wants to run a blog but doesn't have the cojones to put their name on it. Be big enough to stand behind your work or don't do it. But that's why anonymous blogs don't succeed. Nobody wants to trust a shadow.
      15 hours ago ·  ·  3 people
    • Sic Willie Wait ... this paid political hack is the same guy that has been ripping me as a paid political hack? Also how does he call me "anti-reform" when I endorsed the only statewide candidate he has ever worked for? What a douche ...
      13 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • David Carter 
      That is the problem with those who want to criticize what is going on via internet. They don't want anyone to know who they are. It just isn't the bloggers though. It is the people who comment on the articles that are posted by bloggers and...See More
      13 hours ago · 
    • Sic Willie I disagree with that, David. We spend all this time attacking messengers but at the end of the day to a thinking person it is all about which ideas and candidates you endorse.This guy says I am "anti-reform" and he is entitled to say that. But look at the ideas and candidates I support. Same with politicians - LOOK AT THEIR VOTES, not their quotes. I believe anonymous blogs and comments are an important part of the marketplace of ideas.
      13 hours ago · 
    • Jarrett Edwards 
      Great Job, Wes, on pointing out the hypocrisy, which is the one thing in Politics and life I find horrible. I read the original article through a link, I had never heard of that blog before. However, now that I know Billy Pickering, writes ...See More
      12 hours ago · 
    • David Carter I can agree with that.
      12 hours ago · 
    • Sic Willie I do readily admit to being a punk, though.
      11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • David Carter Hahaha!
      11 hours ago · 
    • Mike's America Oh, the fun you people in Columbia have!
      10 hours ago · 
    • Jeffrey Sewell Wes you need to whip out a can of "Wrath" on this fellow just like you would I or anyone else, don't be getting all freaking, nice and polite :)

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