Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How to check the President: a fantasy

Kansas Senator Edmund F. Ross sacrificed his career saving President Andrew Johnson from a vengeful Senate's impeachment in 1868.

The US Senate is like a bad remake of Project Runway in which a handful of lawmakers cut and tuck their principles in a contest to be named Conscience of the Senate.

Susan Collins, Dean Heller, Lisa Murkowski, John McCain, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake- all have played Hamlet over the machinations of the President this past year. Collins is the most apostate of the lot but still toes The Donald's line 82% of the time.

Today Roy Moore did not become a Senator, and the Republican caucus membership dropped to 51.

This offers three of the senators- McCain, Flake and Corker, a chance to become a true, Kennedy bookworthy Profile in Courage.

Each is retiring from the Senate next year. Each has decried the coarsening of the traditions of the body they love and have served well.

Two should leave the GOP caucus and serve as independent senators for the rest of 2018.

They can break Republican control of the Senate and the revoke the permits for the rightwing steamroller laying waste to democracy building a huge, leaky pipeline to The White House to cram bad laws through for rubber-stamping.

John McCain could, in one move, actually restore regular order to the operations of the Senate. He and Flake or Corker- or both- could redeem their whorish tax reform votes and reputations in a stroke.

But there is, as always, a problem: only John McCain knows for certain the presidency is out of his reach.

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