Thursday, May 3, 2018

Why does Donald Trump rub Mike Pence's nose in gayness all the time? Because it's fun! But is #2 getting his own back?

Last October, The New Yorker reported on how the President mocks Vice President ( and arch-gay-baiter) Mike Pence on his outre' views, claiming that in a meeting with a legal scholar in which the subjects of abortion and gay rights came up, Pres. Trump pointed to V.P. Mike Pence and said, "Don't ask that guy - he wants to hang them all!"

Since then the Sun King seems to delight in assigning Pence especially heinous gayish duties. He sent The Vice Grimace to Korea to get flummoxed by being in a booth in public with Kim Jong-un's sister ("Mother Pence! Where are you?") and a two-pronged gay assault by the hyper-masculine gay snowboarder Gus Kenworthy and the hyper-gay figure skater Adam Rippon.

THEN, the Veep had to invite the very gay Irish Prime Minister to a traditional St Patrick's Day brekkers bromance at the #2 mansion with the soon-to-be-outed Bunny, Marlon (The Pences kicked out the press, a change from last year's camerafest with the then-very straight Taoiseach.

Then came the Dueling Bunny Books, and the gay one sold way more copies than the kiss-up memoir Mother Pence drew pictures of following the Veep all over the place the way the Veep does the President.

Now this , God help us:

Trump nominated- and all the antigay Republican senators confirmed, a queer to be US ambassador to Germany, of all places. Richard Grenell is a bitchy GOP press flack with a misogynistic- and loudly trumpeted- streak who was Mitt Romney's foreign policy advisor for three to four minutes in 2012 (the evangelicals squoze hard).

And Trump sent Vice President Mike Pence to swear in the nation's highest-ranking sodomite- with his partner in sex crimes right there. And with a Bible in the room!

But wait! Apparently, Pence's MD ratted out Ronny Jackson!

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