Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Elephants' Graveyard

Canadian press baron Conrad Black, whose reservation in Florida has just been confirmed by a US Court of Appeals, continues to op-ed from prison, most recently with some outlier US electoral predictions:

Accordingly, I reaffirm my prediction that McCain will win. I will take it one step farther and predict that the oldest inaugurated president will make the greatest gesture to ageism since Louis XV confirmed Cardinal Fleury as prime minister of France to the age of 90, by inviting the 85-year-old Henry Kissinger to return as secretary of state. Dr. Kissinger appears to retain the necessary physical and intellectual stamina. He is the most capable holder of that office since General George Marshall, if not John Quincy Adams, and the world’s most eminent diplomat. He would be an inspired choice, even if he chose to hold the position for less than a full term. (If Obama wins, he should confer the same honour on Zbigniew Brzezinski, the most competent Democratic foreign policy analyst since Dean Acheson.)

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