Saturday, June 28, 2008

"My friends, I will never fund the museum at Woodstock..."

Senator McCain, perhaps evoking memories of Ronald Regan's election-eve breakout in the 1980 election, predicts he will jump into the lead 48 hours before this year's presidential contest.
    The past is a fondly remembered place for the 71 year old McCain, whose favorite movie of 2008 is Viva Zapata!, a 1952 film; who refers to Senator Obama as Dr. No, after Ian Fleming's first James Bond Thriller (book 1958, film 1962) and says Obama's election would be the third term of President Carter, who left office 27 years ago.
    Carter is about all McCain has to work with in the "failed presidents" analogy category. He wants to attract the Clinton bitter-enders, so he can't say anything bad about Bubba's time in office, and he can't fault Lyndon Johnson because they were both gung-ho for Vietnam.

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