Thursday, June 26, 2008

-so Akinola must be Madame Defarge

Writing of Gafcon in The Telegraph, George Pitcher offers his views with the bark off:

...A new global Anglican Communion day is dawning and its strength is coming from new global quarters.”

One might say “headquarters” and there is no doubt where they are to be located – in post-colonial Africa.

So this conference of Anglican dissenters is not about homosexuality at all, or rather only in so far as it is a useful lightning rod for an alternative, authoritarian Anglican Communion.

Nor is it really about Biblical authority, which even the most conservative scholarship will acknowledge is a moveable feast.

It is simply about where the locus of Anglican authority should reside. And it is driven by a post-colonial political imperative; the West has used and abused the Global South and now it’s pay-back time.

In this worldview, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is a “relic” (Canon Samuel’s word) of old empire, who must be replaced, presumably by the likes of Archbishop Akinola, who has come within a hair-trigger of saying that Muslim Nigerian violence against Christians will be met in kind...

For the full text, click here.

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