Friday, August 22, 2008

Dumber and Dumberest

Vierdson sums up the empyrean heights of SC bloggorhea:

It's like a footrace between Pat Robertson and James Dobson, except Palmetto Scoop's leering at the babes routine is way more cringeworthy:

Unbelievable. Did somebody not hug Will today? Did Howie not return his call? It looks like Folks’ mentula vegrandis mentality caught up with him again.

The only reason Folks’ blog is ranked so high is because 1) he’s been blogging since he got canned for pleading guilty to criminal domestic violence and 2) he’s still got enough frenemies in this festering industry called politics that feed him information. For that matter, the reason Fogle’s blog is getting hits is because people want to know what RQ&A is up to, period. Of course, you never see him without Rick and Adam Piper, so you might as well as one of the higher-ups.

So, yeah, Will, you’ve got a lot of hits. A monkey could get a lot of hits if it blogged consistently, on the same topic, for three years. That’s how blog readership works. A monkey would probably not throw as much of its own shit and wank off in public a little less, but but you can’t have everything.
A Lie A Day makes a similar point:

So while the Democrats offer up a plan of attack that focus on ideas, the media and the Republicans offer a cage of poo flinging monkeys.

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