Tuesday, June 16, 2009

SC Tory Blog Midnight Grab

Harare Grocery shuttered its doors again twelve days ago, the marketplace of conservative ideas having sold out of Abortion Screed.

Fresh from the bodice-ripping passion of his entry, "Spartanburg Young Republicans to hold Parliamentary Procedures Training," The Conservativist gets all Pravda Old School with "Spartanburg County GOP Executive Committee Meeting."

Now that they have near-identical blog designs and are adding pointless features like crazy - or crazy features like pointless (radio, video, financial advice, cooking classes, the Twitter Kama Sutra, and RuPaul on Google Locator), the Tweedledum and Tweedledumber of SC's conservative blogdom- Anaconda and Boy Fogle- have gone from being provocative to just boring and spread too thin. Mr South Carolina Civil Rights- Savonarola to those who know and wish him a long life to see the inevitable triumph of marriage equality- is threatening to bring Vatican-approved improvements even to his personal vision of The Inquisition.


  1. In defense of Harare and his posting of the "Spartanburg County GOP Executive Committee Meeting" release, did you notice the Spartanburg County GOP's logo? Sweet!

    Almost worth the price of admission - which is, of course, nothing.
