Here's one of Sentor Jim DeMint's BFFs, Teabagger co-founder Dale Robertson (h/t Joe.My.God)

Note the "Man of Faith" cap (h/t epluribus media):

Here's DeMint's take on Robertson and his work:
"We need to stop looking at the tea parties as separate from the Republican party," adds DeMint. “If we do that, we can stand up and create the biggest tent of all.”At the same time, Senator Headlines has proven himself remarkably
Republican Sen. Jim DeMint (S.C.) on Sunday revived his assault against the White House's approach to counter-terrorism, charging the president was too "distracted by other things" to focus intently enough on national security.
During an interview on CNN"s "State of the Union," DeMint said President Barack Obama has "downplayed the risk of terrorism since taking office," to the detriment to Americans' safety.
"It begins with not even been willing to use the word," DeMint said. "Aside from the semantics, he's been completely distracted by other things, and he is not focused on building the security and intelligence apparatus of our country."Basically, what DeMint's admitting there is that he's a witch. He believes terrorists will be defeated not by military, intelligence and diplomatic efforts, but by ritual incantations. Just how many times, Senator, will saying "terror" make us safe?
Never mind. That was yesterday. Here's what he had to say on MSNBC today:
After saying the president was "downplaying" security, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) now says Barack Obama is using "the right approach" in fighting terror.
The sad part is DeMint has a media guy who blogs about his church faith all the time yet is willing to sell his ethics on the cheap to help a man like DeMint stay in office. Shame.
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