Krystle and Alexis are at it again:
By FITSNews || Because we have little interest in paid political propaganda (unless somebody’s paying us to propagandize, obviously), we rarely visit The Palmetto Scoop, which as most S.C. politicos know is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a local political consulting firm – Richard Quinn & Associates.
As such, the Scoop doesn’t even bother attempting to disguise its “coverage” – basically providing 24-7 “new media fellatio” to Quinn clients (including U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham and S.C. Attorney Henry McMaster) as well as ready-made hit pieces on the firm’s political rivals.
Hmmm … yet we’re the “Unfair, Imbalanced” website, while the Scoop is “Reinventing the S.C. Scene.”
Funny …
Anyway, the Scoop has done precious little “reinventing” this week, though, as the website hasn’t posted any new content for four days – which is an eternity in this business.
Now don’t get us wrong, we’ll be taking a solid 7-10 days off during the summer - but you’ll get fair warning on the specific dates so that you can prepare yourselves for the unbearable sadness that comes from missing out on your daily FITS fix.
In the meantime, “whither thou, O Scoop?”
And whence should we expect our “competition” to return?But wait! There's more! Dominique Deveraux is on the sidelines, egging things on:
Anybody with opposable thumbs knows that the child’s son has, erm, issues. Not that it would be odd for the jagoff that has to take care of him now. After all, the blogger kiddo of S.C. politics has been doing everything short of going to the corner of Gervais and Main to wear a sandwich board to get the dumber people interested in state politics to pay attention to his bullshit.
Apparently, there haven’t been enough of you paying attention to the child. Yesterday, he took time out from banging his head against the wall to write (God almighty):
Anyway, as we go about our business (gaining new readers and enjoying more success than we deserve along the way), we do think it’s worth stopping from time to time and getting your take on things.Specifically, what are we doing right (or wrong)?What should we do more (or less) of?Are we striking the right balance?And do you like where we’re going with this evolving new media experiment?
Of course, the child included a poll in the post, because God forbid he just get knowledge from what people email to his fetid account. And, let’s not forget that it looks like the anti-social whiner has pissed off one of his last backers, the S.C. Policy Council, a so-called “non-partisan” (yeah, whatever) group chaired by Rick Quinn. The second that started falling apart, the child started ripping Quinn’s boy’s site,The Palmetto Scoop:
Anyway, the Scoop has done precious little “reinventing” this week, though, as the website hasn’t posted any new content for four days – which is an eternity in this business.Now don’t get us wrong, we’ll be taking a solid 7-10 days off during the summer – but you’ll get fair warning on the specific dates so that you can prepare yourselves for the unbearable sadness that comes from missing out on your daily FITS fix.In the meantime, “whither thou, O Scoop?”
Goddamn. If Folks was any more needy, he’d be the kitty from Thundercats, sending up a signal to call Lion-O back home. So, by all means, please justify this asshole’s existence! Otherwise he might go back to fatty coffee beverages and fried chicken!
and away we go further down the rabbit hole... this shit is whack.
ReplyDeleteWhile, because of my mom, I watched a lot of Dallas, Dynasty and Falcon Crest, I had to Google "Dominique Deveraux" to understand the reference. Well played, but you're trending old with that reference.