Friday, May 28, 2010

Folks claims not appearing to get much traction in the reality-based community.

Nikki Haley's kicking the can down the road till after the primary, suggesting- in light of the equivocal evidence produced so far, including Erick Erickson's spectacular FAIL- that too few voters take Will Folks seriously for this to make a difference.

Given how the news media's reduced to reporting "Folks eked out some more non-proof today" and Haley's people saying it's all too dumb to deal with, I'm guessing Haley figures she can ride it out.

Unless something for real turns up, it looks like Folks might end up the Matt Drudge of South Carolina, widely read, but rarely taken seriously.

Recall, for example, his famous stories "outing" Andre Bauer, based solely on the writings of a professional outer of Republican politicians. Mike Rogers, the source at Blog Active, had nothing other than he talked to some people who said Bauer is gay, and he believes them. Big whoop that turned out to be.

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