Friday, May 14, 2010

Her mouth opens,and words come out

"After inheriting a good pro-development GOP plan that opened up both coasts for drilling, the Obama administration halted development ... and now we're gonna study, more study of the South Atlantic and parts of the Gulf of Mexico ... my goodness, folks, these areas have been studied to death ... I have seen so many, many studies! I say, let's send the White House this message: that, you know, we can save taxpayer time, save money and announce: there is oil and gas down there, and we can produce it safely and responsibly! We don't need more studies, we need more action! Because energy produced in America is security for America, and it is jobs for American workers, jobs that can't be outsourced. Let's drill baby, drill, not stall, baby, stall!"

Meantime, the head of BP says it all depends on how you look at it:

BP chief digs hole deeper
By Eric Zimmermann 05/14/10 02:08 PM ET
This is what happens when non-politicians step into the political spotlight:
In an [sic] bullish interview with the Guardian at BP's crisis centre in Houston, [BP CEO Tony] Hayward insisted that the leaked oil and the estimated 400,000 gallons of dispersant that BP has pumped into the sea to try to tackle the slick should be put in context.
"The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume," he said.

Meanwhile, NPR reports that the oil spill may be 10 times bigger than previously estimated.

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