UPDATE: ETV radio was off the air for an hour and a half, returning in the middle of a performance at 1:45 am. No explanation.
Never bother emailing the president of SC ETV about their appallingly incompetent radio branch: he won't answer.
We learned this several weeks ago when both the TV and radio arms went down for hours. On the TV was a frozen shot of a frog; on the radio, silence.
On the website, no explanation. No apology. They'd just finished their fundraising drive and there was no need to pander to the listeners/watchers until the next one.
Since then we've experienced the oddity of hearing two promos for the late night ambient music program "Echoes" in the same half hour of "All Things Considered", each pitching a different program for the same coming evening. One was long past.
As we write now, ETV Radio's in another of its customer service brain freezes. At midnight, when their canned classical music service was supposed to start, instead we got a ten minute poem from some character on "This American Life." Then TAL host Ira Glass came on to extoll the virtues of contributing to public radio.
When he got to the link where the local station picks up and gives listeners the pitch-
-the radio went dead. It's been dead for coming on fifteen minutes now.
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