Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ain't nobody much coming here

Forbes Magazine- which is dominated, if anything, by pandering to the rich- has a fascinating interactive map tracing US migratory patterns through 2008.

It's worth a look, even as depressing as it is.

The short version, as it relates to South Carolina, is this: old rich people are retiring here.

Everyone else is leaving.

You can click your county. Mostly, you won't like what you see, but it will help underscore the utter vacuity of the SC GOP's candidates' meme that they are all about jobs.

In truth, they are. They are about exporting smart jobs, and about importing dumb jobs.

The Republican legislature is the new planter class. Where once they ruled slaves, now they rule unemployed white people in mill towns where the mills have gone away. Once a decade, they bribe a company to come to SC and wank themselves to death over how the benefits will spread like manna over the whole state.

Which is, of course, complete bullshit.

They never do. They never will.

What terrifies SC legislative leaders is that SC will turn into NC- where the Research Triangle, and good, well-funded universities- lured in a bunch of smart, productive, high-wage-earning.....non- conservative voters.

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