Monday, June 7, 2010

GOP class envy

Politics | Wait a secondsays Meredith Turney on Wasn’t stoking class resentment supposed to be the province of Democrats “borrowing from the Communist playbook,” like John (“Two Americas”) Edwards?
In California’s very expensive Republican primary contests to be decided Tuesday, she writes, the millionaire Steve Poizner — despite being able to part with $24 million of his own money in the campaign for governor — is complaining about being outspent by Meg Whitman, the former eBay chief executive (below). Meanwhile, the columnist adds, Chuck DeVore, a candidate of lesser means, portrays Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard executive, as a “self-funded dilettante” trying to buy herself a victory in the Senate race.
This is not very Republican, says Ms. Turney:
If a millionaire used his or her freedom to earn their wealth, they should have the freedom to spend it however they see fit — even if it’s giving millions to their own campaign. Why on earth would Republicans, who champion the free market and liberty, disparage anyone who used capitalism and liberty to earn their money?
Besides, she adds, not to worry about elections being bought, since “Californians are notorious for rejecting wealthy candidates who invest heavily in their campaigns.” The name Huffington comes to mind, now linked to the class sensibilities of progressive politics. []

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