By the Rand standard,why's Sharron Angle silent about her views?
Rand Paul, the most famous of the Tea Party-backed Republican Senate nominees, is a small, curly-haired man with cheeks like a chipmunk. He speaks in a tone of extreme reason that nevertheless suggests he is way smarter than anybody else in the room. In a teen horror movie, he would be the kid who invents the potion that turns the sophomore class into zombies.
...Paul is a socially conservative libertarian like his father, Representative Ron Paul of Texas. Rand Paul is against allowing a pregnant woman to choose abortion or a gay couple to choose marriage. But ask him about almost anything else — from the minimum wage to illegal traffic in prescription drugs — and his answer will be a harangue about the federal government.
...Rand Paul’s obsession is slashing the federal deficit (“our national nightmare”). Most of the voters who will be deciding the race would probably like to slash the deficit while also putting Kentucky first, but good luck on that one. Kentucky has more than its fair share of poor people, who are dependent on federal programs like food stamps, school lunches, and Medicaid. At a postforum press conference, a local reporter noted that the state sends less money to Washington than it gets back and asked Paul if he wanted to “sacrifice our take.”
“I don’t think anything coming from the federal government is a net-plus,” he replied.
You have to give this to Rand Paul. It’s generally clear where his heart lies, even if he was a little weaselly on his well-established opposition to farm subsidies when addressing a roomful of farmers.
On that point, I would like to say: Go for it, Rand Paul! Not sure we urbanites share your antipathy toward the minimum-wage laws, but when it comes to crop supports, we’re there for you.
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