Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good news for the SC economy

Governor Mark Sanford, on a trade mission to Europe, has announced the German ZF Group plans to build a $350m transmission manufacturing plant near Owings in Laurens County.

The plant will hire 900 employees by 2015.

The story of the deal - an AP wire item-appeared in the online edition of The Spartanburg Herald-Journal at noon today but as of 1:30pm there's still nothing on the governor's website.

Statehouse Blog has the release here.

You'd think they'd be ordering public festivals and the ringing of church bells. $350m is a lot of money. The largest investment in SC ever- the Boeing plant- is set at $750m, which leaves ZF Group high among the biggest ever.

No word yet on whether there was an incentives package involved.

No question this is a big fish to land, especially for Laurens County, where unemployment's over 11%. But it's still not a sign SC is thinking in anything other than 1950s-style economic development terms, where the highest and best use of SC workers is to bolt things together.

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