Monday, February 14, 2011

Like Campbell Scott said in "Singles" high speed rail is about great coffee and great music

,One of the less-reported features of CPAC last weekend was a screening of the film version of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, Part 1 (it is, after all, a very very long book; they will likely need one  part just for Jogn Galt's very, very long speech).

The book has been bruited about for fim treatment pretty muc forever, and a cuple of years ago it was rumored Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wanted to star in it. No soap, it turned out.

So it has dwindled down the the budget and look of a Syfy Channel movie, with a hilarious trailer that makes you wonder what kind of drugs the CPACers were on.

You can't really- from a responsible intellectual standpoint, cheer a movie about reviving American rail infrastructure and developing high speed rail, and then walk out of the screening to oppose not only upgrading rail, developing high speed rail, and not spending any money on existing rail and the interstate highway system.

It's increasingly apparent the right-wing strategy is to just vote no and then blame increasingly crumbling infrastructure and impossible traffic and even longer semis that take ten minutes to pass on the failure of government to provide the rebuilds and upgrades they are bending over backward to block. A couple of Midwestern governors have already rejected high speed rail funds.

Here's the trailer:

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