Religious freedom restoration takes another hit: no stonings, after all.
A proposed “shoot the gays” ballot initiative in California that called for the execution of state residents on the basis of their sexuality has been quashed by a judge, sparing voters from the possibility of having to debate it during fall elections.
Judge Raymond Cadei of the Sacramento superior court wrote that the measure, called the “Sodomite Suppression Act”, was “patently unconstitutional” in a ruling filed on Monday and released on Tuesday.
He added that forcing the state attorney general, Kamala Harris, to prepare the measure to collect voter signatures would be “inappropriate, waste public resources, generate unnecessary divisions among the public and tend to mislead the electorate”.
Huntington Beach lawyer Matt McLaughlin filed the proposal in February but did not appear in court to defend it and has maintained silence on the matter. It called for “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head, or by any other convenient method”, and forbid gays and lesbians and anyone supporting gay rights from holding public office.
I missed this one. Now, of course, if this had been put forth in the Deep South it would have gotten enough national ink to sink a battleship.