This was left on my friend's windshield in Shelby, NC.— Stephanie McKellop (@McKellogs) November 11, 2016
Bad news for the North Carolina Republican Paty, where LGBT animus is Job 1 even where there's no election coming for a while.
The news? The gays' recruiting campaigns just keep working.
According to a new Gallup poll, there's more deviants and perverts- as Franklin Graham likes to call them- in North Carolina than ever: up 4/10ths of a percent just from 2012 to 2016.
That's like 16.8% of the whole population increase in the Tar Hell State for the same period.
The dampening effect of HB2 can be seen in the state's regional standing. It is only ranked third of the eight states Gallup grouped as the Southeast in its report.
With 3.5% of North Carolinians ID'ing as LGBT, we trail Georgia (4%) and Florida (4.2%).
Virginia (3.4%) and Kentucky (3.3%) are nipping NC's heels.
Tennessee, where the legislature hardly has anything to do any more but legislate Bible, "No Homo" and practice sexual harassment, has 3.1%, while the region's historic bottom-dwellers, South Carolina and Alabama, underwhelm with 3.0% each.
It's all part of a national trend, Gallup says.
A variety of factors influence changes in the portion of adults identifying as LGBT over time. Gallup research documents ongoing increases in the social acceptance of LGBT individuals in the U.S. Growing public acceptance can affect, and likely increase, the willingness of LGBT individuals to identify as such on surveys.
Nationally, virtually all of the increases in LGBT identification over the past five years are among millennials. Their coming of age at a time of greater social acceptance toward LGBT individuals may contribute to disproportionate increases in LGBT identity across states. As the youngest millennials reach 18 and enter Gallup's national adult surveys, their influence on the national survey estimates increases proportionally.
A third factor could be mobility: LGBT individuals, in theory, could be more likely to move to parts of the country with greater social acceptance. Other research, however, suggests that the chances of moving away from where one lived as a teenager do not vary much by sexual orientation. As a result, it's unlikely that mobility plays a strong role in explaining differences in LGBT identity by state or region over time.
State-level rankings by the portion of adults identifying as LGBT clearly relate to the regional differences in LGBT social acceptance, which tend to be higher in the East and West and lower in the South and Midwest. Nevada is the only state in the top 10 that doesn't have a coastal border. States ranked in the bottom 10 are dominated by those in the Midwest and South.
However, regional changes over time in LGBT identification may be affected both by levels of LGBT acceptance and the demographic composition of regional populations. Analyses of Gallup's 2016 Values and Beliefs poll find that the New England and Pacific regions rank highest in LGBT acceptance but differ in the age composition of the population. More than a third of adults in the Pacific region (35%) are millennials, compared with 31% in New England -- figures that, by population demographic standards, represent a relatively large difference. This difference may explain why, despite high levels of social acceptance in both regions, increases in LGBT identity are larger in the Pacific region than in New England.
The presence of large portions of millennials in the population does not perfectly predict the magnitude of increases in LGBT identity. Among regions, the Southwest has a relatively large proportion of millennials in its population (34%) but is also the region least likely to say that gay and lesbian relationships should be legal. This relatively low level of acceptance may be a factor in explaining the relatively low level of change in LGBT identity despite having a large younger population.
Bottom Line
State and regional changes in the level of LGBT identification defy simple explanation. However, it does appear that variation among states and regions in population demographics, especially age, and LGBT social acceptance (or stigma) interact to affect the willingness of adults to identify as LGBT.What this translates into is 361,540+ pissed-off voters. Little wonder Senator Berger and Speaker Moore spend so much time trying to suppress turnout.
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