Saturday, February 11, 2017

So unfair, so bummed out

I hear a lot lately about how it is mean for the President* and his family to be accused of turning The White House into a QVC broadcast studio.

It isn't like that at all, snarl the Sore Winners. But let's consider two instances addressed in this article.  One is the President's Nordstrom front in his War on Seattle (the other front is his war on the US District court there). He says Nordstrom treated his daughter horribly by dropping her clothing line no one was buying.

But Mrs Kurshner loudly and publicly stepped down from her brand a while back, to step up to being her dad's right-hand policy girl. So Nordstrom, on the face of it, can't be mean to Ivanka. She doesn't work there any more. Heh, heh, heh, sure thing, buddy.

Ent #AltFacts, I guess. Just redefine the Mean Meme.

The other is the scurrilous accusation that Mrs Trump planned to profiteer from her improbable elevation. Here is a section of her recently-filed lawsuit. Kindly read it and advise me this: what else has Mrs Trump had on her plate, opportunity-wise, that could have produced the riches she claims she has lost?:

"Plaintiff had the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as an extremely famous and well-known person, as well as a former professional model and brand spokesperson, and successful businesswoman, to launch a broad-based commercial brand in multiple product categories, each of which could have garnered multi-million dollar business relationships for a multi-year term during which Plaintiff is one of the most photographed women in the world," read the filing. "These product categories would have included, among other things, apparel, accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care and fragrance."

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