Sunday, June 18, 2017

Utterly ignored by the God-President to whom he wants to build a flatbed altar for a few hours in August, Brian Talbert's Deplorable Pride fails relentlessly forward in Week II Contra Mundum

Brian Talbert, chief grifter at Deplorable, keeps hitting them out of the park in his vendetta against Charlotte Pride.

If you check out DP's Facebook page (248 likes!), there's link after link to press coverage and interviews-!- all recycled from the first week of June, when Talbert was a four-day phenom with right-wing media.

He also got another story up with Fox 46 News-!- in which declared,
"I'm going to be 100 percent truthful and transparent," Brian Talbert said, the leader of ‘Deplorable Pride.'
That doesn't, however, include answering any questions about what he is doing with the money he is raising- in his personal capacity- on He deletes such questions!

But, wow! Barreling toward his goal of $100,000 for no disclosed purpose whatever, Brian Talbert raised $60 this weekend!

Now he's nailing all the other really big podcasts, including an NRA show!

The NRA, in a joint venture with American evangelicals, owns the Republican Party. The Party despises LGBT Americans, as do the evangelicals.

The NRA is more catholic. They'll take anybody's money. But on LGBT rights, all you hear out of Wayne LaPierre's office is crickets.

But wait, there's more! Talbert has launched a YouTube channel! It has two subscribers!

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