A Kentucky Republican Party county chairman has resigned after he was arrested in Tennessee on charges of indecent exposure and resisting arrest in a department store, the GOP and police said.
David Narramore, 54, of Whitesburg was arrested Saturday night in a Belk department store in Kingsport, Tenn., according to police there.
A store employee told officers that he was in a bathroom stall next to Narramore when Narramore began rubbing his foot against the employee’s. Narramore then exposed himself to the employee, according to police.
Narramore was escorted to an office, and when police officers arrived, he tried to “passively resist” arrest. After pulling away from and then moving toward officers, and then attempting to fight the officers, he was subdued with a stun gun, according to police.
Narramore, a dentist, was taken to the Kingsport city jail.
The Letcher County Republican Party chairman resigned following the arrest, according to Tres Watson, communications director for the state Republican Party.
“Dr. Narramore is clearly going through some personal issues,” and has resigned from all affiliation with the Republican Party of Kentucky, Watson said. “We wish him well as he attempts to deal with (his) personal struggles.”
Narramore declined to comment from his office Wednesday because he was seeing patients, according to an employee.WYMT reported,
The arrest of the prominent businessman surprised many in the community.
"I've worked here 21 years and I've never heard or seen anything out of Mr. Narramore." Said Patricia Johnson a Beautician at Cut-A-Way barbershop and hair salon that is located next to Narramore's dental practice.
Another woman who didn’t want her identity revealed said she worries this could hurt the reputation of a man who does so much for the community.
"Until it's all negotiated or settled or what ever it could have a negative impact on him as a prominent businessman and a prominent person in the community.” The woman said.Whitesburg is in the aptly named county of Letcher, 78 north of where Narramore was arrested.
190 miles northwest, in Campbell County, Kentucky, another Republican official was charged with eleven counts of sex trafficking amid allegations he traded sex and drugs for leniency dealing with criminal defendants, in May Tim Nolan is a prominent former judge, school board member, and Tea Partyist who recently sued other neighboring Republicans who called his a racist.

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