But we'll take a swing from here, as fear of debate has never stopped the micro-group's co-founder from coming to this page to call names in lieu of substantive discussion.
Mind you, DP's ring-fenced the Dear Leader's achievements to just the week ending August 6.
But he says this of the great seven days:
"This weeks [sic] accomphishments [sic] in the Trump Presideny [sic]:
1. "Isis is being destroyed like never before."
Says who? The Iraqi PM declared victory July 9.
What did the President do to win?
Why hasn't he gone over to congratulate the troops? When do they come home? Are any of the destroyers like never before LGBT Americans?
If the President knows more about war than the generals and is crushing ISIS, why is he losing Afghanistan?
Extra points: Why is Deplorable Pride supporting the President's call for drumming all transgender soldiers out of the military when LGBT fighters have formed a unit to fight ISIS in Syria?
These Faggots Kill Fascists! We shoot back! The Black & Pink and Rainbow flag fly in Raqqa. #Queers smashing the Caliphate. #TQILA #YPJ #YPG pic.twitter.com/eBCssrbjMI— IRPGF (@IRPGF) July 24, 2017
2. "New health care system for veterans."
It's a phone app.
It does nothing to reduce actual treatment wait times. It is the culmination of work started in the despised Obama administration. Its successful reach into rural areas depends on improvements in internet access, which the FCC has been throttling, and the non-existent infrastructure bill the President didn't send to Congress during DP's Week of Trump Miracles.
Extra points: what's the President done on health care improvements for the rest of Americans?
Seventeen days ago, DP co-founder Brian Talbert posted this:
The President and Congress are now on vacation for the rest of the month. Explain that, brainwave.
3. "209,000 new jobs."
That's down from July, and all of the President's term is still below 2016. Wage growth still pretty much doesn't.
Explain- precisely- what the President has done to make all this happen and why it hasn't been more, better, faster.
Anyway, it's all a lie. The President has said so, 19 times in public and tweets. Last September, The New Yorker's Adam Davidson reported,
“Don’t believe those phony numbers,” Trump declared during his victory speech after the New Hampshire primary, in February. “When you hear 4.9 and five-per-cent unemployment, the number’s probably twenty-eight, twenty-nine, as high as thirty-five—in fact, I even heard recently forty-two per cent.” By June, when he did an interview on Fox News’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” he’d received new data. “The number five per cent is a phony number—it’s really twenty per cent, close to twenty-per-cent unemployment. That’s just a phony number to make the politicians look good.” In an August speech on the economy, he said, in reference to the official government unemployment rate, “The five-per-cent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in American modern politics.”
That, within a six-month span, Trump’s estimates ranged from twenty, or “close to twenty,” per cent all the way up to forty-two per cent suggest he’s not using an overly rigorous model. His are statistics verified by gut feeling and bold, bald assertion. The unemployment rate is not a hoax—it is subject to a range of checks and balances. There are tens of thousands of people who are involved in constructing and reviewing it each month, and seven decades of data from which to compare each new figure with the ones that came before it.His Treasury secretary agrees:
"The unemployment rate is not real," Mnuchin told the Senate Finance Committee during his confirmation hearing in January. "I've traveled for the last year. I've seen this."He lied in June and July, claiming to have already created a million jobs since taking office.
Extra points: Why was the President not responsible for May, when the number of new jobs dropped a lot?
4. "Record high Dow: 49 record highs since Trump took office."
On August 8, the President tanked the market promising war with North KoreaL
Trump's 'fire and fury' comments put an end to the Dow Jones Industrial Average's winning streakhttps://t.co/VypEucEr1T— Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) August 8, 2017
Facts are pesky little gits, aren't they? DP is wrong. The number of highs cited by DP is since the elections last November- not since January 20. Over a third took place while the despised Obama was still president.
All 49 records were set within an increase of 3285 points. During President Obama's term, the market went from a Dow Jones low of 6594 on March 5, 2009, to 19,971 on January 18, 2017.
During Obama's second term, the market set 123 Dow Jones closing highs.
Historically- as Fortune points out- the markets do better under Democrats than Republicans. So I invite Brian Talbert to explain how 200 days in office is the measure of the President's four-year term- or whatever portion he completes:

The stock market, of course, isn't the economy, as Politico points out:
President Donald Trump is proud of the U.S. stock market. He made that clear in tweets on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average surpassed 22,000 for the first time, he announced his support for legislation to cut legal immigration—and then quickly changed topics to crow about the market. “We've picked up, substantially now, more than $4 trillion in net worth in terms of our country, our stocks, our companies,” he declared enthusiastically.
Trump is right that the stock market is on a tear, up 22 percent since Election Day. But the stock market is not the economy, and the truth is that the economy hasn’t much changed since Trump took office. Growth remains at about 2 percent, wages are still barely rising and job gains, if anything, have slowed.
The Dow, of course, isn’t unrelated to the economy. The index of 30 large publicly traded companiesis a popular proxy for the health of America’s largest businesses. If the Dow were crashing, it would be a real sign of trouble. But economists have frequently found little relationship between returns on stock investments and real economic growth. For example, a major 2002 study, from three economists, looked at equity returns and per capita gross domestic product growth for 16 nations from 1900 to 2000 and found little evidence that stronger equity returns correlated with stronger long-run economic growth.
In the case of the Dow, this is pretty easy to understand. The 30 companies in the Dow employ more than 6 million workers, a small percentage of the 153 million people working in the United States. And since about 80 percent of the value of the stock market is held by the richest 10 percent of the nation, the vast majority of gains in share value accrue to the rich, not to most Americans.
Financial experts and most policymakers are normally hesitant to celebrate a rising stock market. During Barack Obama’s eight years in office, the Dow rose 140 percent, a result of him taking over during the depths of the Great Recession. But despite the huge growth in the Dow and the recovery from the recession, few, if any, economists would say the economy was strong under Obama. Economic growth fluctuated around 2 percent, and wages only inched forward. Voters’ anger over the economy was clear with the election of Trump.
Trump would have trouble replicating Obama’s stock market record if he tried: That would require the Dow to hit nearly 50,000 by 2025. His voters would be better served if he tried to build on the economic gains to spur stronger wage growth and full employment, while addressing structural challenges like weak productivity growth and declining labor force participation. These are hard issues, and they won’t be solved overnight—or in six months. They might not even show up in the Dow: stronger wage growth, for instance, hurts companies’ bottom lines.
How’s Trump doing on those more important measures so far? Nothing much has really changed. The president has been touting second-quarter GDP growth, which came in at 2.6 percent. “We have a growth rate which has been much higher than, as you know, anybody anticipated, except maybe us,” he said Wednesday. The last time quarterly economic growth reached that level? The third quarter of 2016.Extra points: when the market slumps- as it inevitably will- predict why it will not be the President's fault.
Extra, extra points: of the $4 trillion the President claims in new wealth or America, who got it?
5. "We are still out of the Paris Accords."
Wrong again.
The President announced his intent to withdraw June 1.
It took his State Department until August 4 to formally notify the UN it will withdraw.
The earliest effective withdrawal completion date is November 4, 2020.
Oh, and re the "still out" stuff: the President says he will stay in if he gets "a better deal."
So we may well never be out of the Paris accords, "still" or not.
6. "Gorsuch is still on the bench."
How is this an accomplishment of the President's this week? Is he also claiming credit for the moon being round, and that pizza is delicious?
It's like being President: all he has to do is wake up alive every day.
7. "Gen. John Kelly is the new White House Chief of Staff."
Remember this 2012 tweet?
3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why @BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2012
General Kelly is the President's second chief of staff in 202 days. At that rate, the President will be on his 15th if he makes it to January 20, 2021.
President Obama had four chiefs of staff in eight years.
The average tenure for a White House Chief of Staff is 18 months.
And the President only stopped baring his ass on Twitter for a weekend. Big Fail, General.
8.a."And, the governor of WV just switched parties and become a Republican. Republicans now control more than ever in US HISTORY! Our party is united because of the voters! "
Jim Justice, the governor of West Virginia, is 66 years old. He was a registered Republican for forty years before he changed his party affiliation to Democrat in February 2015. He ran for and was elected governor, as a Democrat.
Apparently, for the seventeen months he was a Democrat- only seven of them as governor- he was, in his own estimation, insane:
“My mom and dad were staunch lovers of Ronald Reagan, staunch Republicans. My mom and dad, with no question in my mind, are in heaven right now, and they’re both saying the same thing, but my mom is saying it more profoundly: Jimmy, it’s about damn time you came to your senses,” Justice said yesterday.Justice returned to the Republican Party Friday at a rally where the President told the locals Russian interference in the 2016 elections he and Justice won was a fabrication, the day after the President admitted Russian interference in the 2016 elections.
Sir Winston Churchill, who was a Conservative, then a Liberal, then a Conservative again, said of the flexibility of his principles,
Anyone can rat, but it takes a certain amount of ingenuity to re-rat.Give Justice credit: he has remained a conservative in both parties. The President has had no principles whatever in any of the three in which he has claimed membership.
Of course, the last time a Democratic governor discovered he was really a Republican was in 1991. Lousiana Governor Buddy Roemer switched a few months before the election, and the Republicans denied him their nomination for a second term. Roemer ran in the state's open primary and lost to the Ku Klux Klan's candidate, David Duke.
Roemer ran for governor again in 1995- he came in fourth, for the US Senate in 2006 (dropped out), and in 2011-12 he sought and failed to get, the nominations of the Republican, Americans Elect and Reform Parties for US president.
No one in the Democratic Party ever begged Roemer to come back.
8.b."Republicans now control more than ever in US HISTORY!"
And, as real electoral experts note, massive majorities are hard to hang onto. Of the 34 Republican governorships, 27 are on the ballot next year.
Republicans have had a majority of governorships for 29 of the last 95 years: 1922-28; 1943, 1946, 1950-53, 1967-69, 1994-2004, and since 2011.
The last time they had 34 governors was in 1922. With 48 states, they had 70% of the governorships. Today, with 50 states, they have 68%, so it's really not a record.
Of course, they did such a stellar job ushering in The Great Depression that they only won held the majority of governorships six years out of the next forty.
They've controlled a majority of legislatures rather less: 26 years out of the last 80.
In terms of population, the Republicans fare less well. About 48% of Americans live under their thumb. Gerrymandering since 2010 has stacked the deck.
8.c. "Our party is united because of the voters!"
That's as obvious as when Thomas Dewey, the 1948 GOP presidential nominee, declared, "The future lies before us!"
Overall, of course, the voters handed out a more mixed message last year. Republicans lost the presidential popular vote by over three million.
They lost the US Senate vote by 5.9 million while carrying the House by 3.1 million. In 2016, North Carolina Democratic US House candidates won 47% of the vote but the Republicans won 76% of the seats- 10 of 13.
By the way: DP's Brian Talbert says he will be elected to Congress, after defeating an incumbent Tea Party Republican who raised over $2 million for his 2016 race. "You can take it to the bank," Talbert has posted.
Just like he did the money he scammed for Deplorable Pride.
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