Monday, November 6, 2017

What Fresh Hell? for November 6, 2017: A new affirmative defense for mass murderers- the victims were ready to die.

Robert Jeffress, one of the *resident’s God-whisperers, wasted no time climbing up on the bodies of his fellow Texas Baptists for a Fox News fawnfest:

During a November 5 appearance on Fox News, Pastor Robert Jeffress stressed that no conceivable gun control measure could have prevented the Texas church shooting because the problem is the evil in the heart, not the gun in the hand.

Off-script as usual, MOTUS differed by Jeffress. He flipped the toggle to its other position. It's not about guns at all, he said:

“I think that mental health is a problem here. Based on preliminary reports, this was a very deranged individual with a lot of problems over a very long period of time.

“We have a lot of mental health problems in our country, as do other countries, but this isn’t a guns situation … we could go into it but it’s a little bit soon to go into it. Fortunately somebody else had a gun that was shooting in the opposite direction, otherwise it wouldn’t have been as bad as it was, it would have been much worse.

“This is a mental health problem at the highest level. It’s a very sad event … these are great people at a very, very sad event, but that’s the way I view it.”


Many of the recent stories about sexual abuse claims against disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and other powerful actors, journalists and executives mention settlements either they or their employers made to silence women who accused them of misconduct.

These settlements often require alleged victims to sign a nondisclosure agreement – essentially a pledge of secrecy – in exchange for a cash payment. They are designed to keep the reputations of allegedly abusive high-flyers intact, an arrangement that can allow repeated wrongdoing.

As a law professor who focuses on white-collar crime, what I find striking about these contracts is how they can be treated as tax-deductible business expenses. That means American taxpayers are helping foot the bill for keeping despicable behavior in the shadows.


As the late night ads yell, “But wait! There’s more!:

In a surprise move, the Republican tax plan released on Thursday contains a proposal that finance experts say would be devastating for governments trying to find money for economic development projects.

The bill would eliminate all private activity bonds, which allow tax-exempt municipal bonds to be issued on behalf of a government for a project built and paid for by a private developer. Tax-exempt bonds fetch lower interest rates in the municipal market and therefore lower the overall cost of financing. The projects financed with this type of debt are typically things in the public interest, such as low-income housing, hospitals or airports.


In West Virginia, the GOP is rearing the next generation of halfwits who will, decades from now, rage at how their lives turned out when coal dies again:

WAYNESBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - When Mike Sylvester entered a career training center earlier this year in southwestern Pennsylvania, he found more than one hundred federally funded courses covering everything from computer programming to nursing.

He settled instead on something familiar: a coal mining course.

”I think there is a coal comeback,” said the 33-year-old son of a miner.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

And the punch line.

“I have a lot of faith in President Trump,” Sylvester said.


No thoughts and prayers from POTUS’ Cabinet’s Monty Burns, the 80 year old Wilbur Ross, for the Baptists. He was up early today giving the BBC the scoop on how it’s OK to be America’s chief trade regulator and make money from a company that relies on government contracts and is owned by Putin’s son-in-law:

Well, maybe one prayer: Ross called critics of his failure to divest evil, and he wants to be delivered from it.


нет разрешенных педиков

This is called religious freedom, and American evangelicals openly lust for its installation in American law. The Supreme Court will hear their case December 5.


Facebook claims the largest share of social media news consumers, and its news users are much more likely to rely solely on that site for news. Just under half (45%) of U.S. adults use Facebook for news. Half of Facebook’s news users get news from that social media site alone, with just one-in-five relying on three or more sites for news.


In the Wal-Mart mass shooting the other day- the one before the church remember?- police response was slowed by trying to figure out who was the shooter and who was just a shopper packing heat.

None of the good guys with guns ended up firing at all, and the shooter escaped, not to be captured until the next day.

Dudley Brown, president of the National Assn. for Gun Rights, said the conclusions by police in the Wal-Mart shooting are misguided.

“This is a part of the job of police — to investigate what happened, not highlight that patrons were legally armed,” he said. “In that situation, what are people supposed to do? Lay down on the floor and draw chalk marks around themselves?

“I’d rather be armed with a gun and not need it, than to be not armed and be in a situation where one is needed,” he said.

The National Rifle Assn. did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

It is, after all, too soon.


1 comment:

  1. "Just under half (45%) of U.S. adults use Facebook for news. Half of Facebook’s news users get news from that social media site alone, with just one-in-five relying on three or more sites for news."

    I have just recently become aware that it's far worse than that! A shocking number of people read the comments on Facebook posts and consider the comments to be a news source. Oh, dear, we are in trouble! I am not kidding when I say the nation's water supplies are seriously contaminated with lead. We surely were not always this stupid and violent in such large numbers. Were we?

    Old Jill in N.C.
