Wednesday, May 2, 2018

As Adlai Stevenson said, "In America, anyone can grow up to be President. It's the chance we take."

I don't see what all the fuss is over people plumping President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.

He deserves as much consideration as Tsar Nicholas II and eugenicist Herbert Spencer (1901); Austrian Emperor Franz Josef (1914); Kaiser Wilhelm (1917); US Presidents Warren Harding (1923), Herbert Hoover (1918/32/41), Franklin Roosevelt (1934/38/45), Harry Truman (1948/50/53); Dwight Eisenhower (1955/57/60/63), and John F. Kennedy (1962); Socialists Eugene V. Debs (1924) and Norman Thomas (1964); Boy Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell (1928/32/38/39/46) and his wife (1959); Benito Mussolini (1935); Princesse Henriette (1938); Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler (1939); South African apartheid architect Jan Smuts (1945); educator Maria Montessori and glamour facists Juan and Eva Peron (1949); right-wing evangelist Frank Buchman (1951-56; 1958-59, 1961); birth control advocate Margaret Sanger (1953-56, 1960); Helen Keller (1954/58); cellist Pablo Casals (1956/58); magazine editor Norman Cousins (1958-59, 1964, 1967); American industrialist Cyrus Eaton (1960-64); Yugoslavian dictator Tito (1963); Ethiopian despot Emperor Haile Selassie (1964); Algerian despot Habib Bourgiba (1966); comic actor Danny Kaye (1967); The International Chamber of Commerce (1958); The World Esperanto Association (1961-62; 1964-67); The Norwegian Missionary Society (1964); The International Lions Clubs (1967); The World Poet Laureates' Association (1967) and hundreds of others since from 1901 to 1967 and those still under the 50-year secrecy rule since 1967.

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