Wednesday, September 23, 2009

But remember, Sanford is praying for you-

The Post & Courier's Digitel underscores SC's health care disaster in the Low Country:

The Post and Courier reports that North Charleston ranks 481st in the nation with 25.1 percent of its 84,902 residents living without health insurance.

Jump across the Cooper River and you get a completely different story. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Mount Pleasant’s statistics show only 6.2 percent without health insurance - ranking them 22nd among all U.S. cities.

However, Mount Pleasant’s numbers are just a special blip on the Southeastern radar. There is only one other city in the region that cracked the top 25.

And still none of the Big Conservative Bloggers in SC will explain why they are so on board with Joe Wilson, Lindsey Graham, Mark Sanford and Jim DeMint in leading the charge to do nothing.

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