Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today in The Wilson

Among the consultant/bloggers, it seems, everybody wants a piece of Joe Wilson. Boy Fogle's running his little roadside tee shirt stand peddling "America's Congressman" raiments; Wesley Donehue is breathlessly chronicling his own greatness in creating "Joe Wilson: The Man, The Myth, The Millions and the Consultants Who Made It All Possible."

Joe.My.God, who as far as anyone knows, got no dog in this hunt, has found a new trinket:

Joe Wilson, The Action Figure

A company called Herobuilders has rushed out a Joe Wilson action figure. Other figures in the line include Sarah Palin, Joe The Plumber, and Obama The Joker.HuffPo rants:
Look who got an action figure! South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson, that's who! Thanks to the good people at, if you are looking to part with a cool $39.95 on a needless recession-era purchase, you can now be the proud owner of a mini-fig that ably chronicles that time in American History where a guy yelled at the President during a speech to a joint session of Congress.While the figure is so cheaply made that it sort of looks like a repurposed Howard Dean-on-ecstacy action figure, the Joe Wilson mini-fig is programmed to utter "You Lie!" You can listen to it here. Then, after fifteen minutes of shouting "You Lie!" the Joe Wilson action figure starts whining like a milquetoast and starts asking your other action figures to fight his battles for him.
You may recall that the same company sells a Larry "I Am Not Gay" Craig doll.

1 comment:

  1. See. I was right. The great state of South Carolina is positively abrim with possibility for a lawn jockey resurgence--in every shape and form, hiding in the bushes, walking the garden trails, or braying at the front door, or just ornamenting nooks and crannies with their adorable little pudgy selves. With such creativity brimming over everywhere camera looks and pen nudges, y'all ought not to miss this opportunity. :-)
