Monday, February 22, 2010

Listen-- can you hear Elaine Donnelly's head exploding?

Former Senator Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum, whose idea of traditional family valuesl is bringing home a stillborn infant to meet the kids and keeping it around the house for a few days, says if DADT is repealed as many as13% of US service members will flee in fear and disgust.

A study by The Palm Center, to be released tomorrow, says the opposite:
A comprehensive new study on foreign militaries that have made transitions to allowing openly gay service members concludes that a speedy implementation of the change is not disruptive. The finding is in direct opposition to the stated views of Pentagon leaders, who say repealing a ban on openly gay men and women in the United States armed forces should take a year or more.
..The report concludes that in foreign militaries, openly gay service members did not undermine morale, cause large resignations or mass “comings out.” The report found that “there were no instances of increased harassment” as a result of lifting bans in any of the countries studied.
In addition, the report says that none of the countries studied installed separate facilities for gay troops, and that benefits for gay partners were generally in accordance with a country’s existing benefits for gay and lesbian couples.
On implementation, the study said that most countries made the change swiftly, within a matter of months and with what it termed little disruption to the armed services. Mr. Frank said the study did not look at what happened if the change was implemented gradually because, he said, “I don’t think any of the militaries tried it.”

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