Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"If they die, and sue, we can use them as new examples of junk claims against insurers."

The Herald considers the SC GOP's latest new idea, rejecting a bill to require kids who ride ATVs to actually know what they are doing:

Frustrated with yet another delay, the father told the House panel, "This is not about politics. It's about children. If it saves one child's life, isn't it worth it?"
The next quote in the article comes from Rep. David Hiott, R-Pickens, who said, "We don't need any more crying parents standing in front of us with tears in their eyes."
...Nationally, an estimated 450 children are injured in ATV accidents each year, which explains why 44 states have enacted ATV regulations.
In fact, the S.C. General Assembly twice has passed bills to impose ATV rules. Each time, Gov. Mark Sanford vetoed the bill, but supporters were unable to rally enough votes to overturn the vetoes. Sanford's mouthpiece, Joel Sawyer, said the governor likely would veto the next ATV bill to reach his desk.
Sanford's reasons for opposing the bills help explain why South Carolina is such a hostile place for our wee ones.
He has said the law would infringe on property rights, diminish parental responsibility and be difficult to enforce. Also, he thinks charging for a safety course would amount to a "hidden tax" on parents.

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