Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Morals in Fogleland

The Palmetto Scoop's paymasters must have yanked his choke chain again. He's got another post up dissing Congressman J. Gresham Barrett (R-Running for Governor) as an absentee member of the House (a charge Waldo beat him too earlier).

This time the pretense is that Georgia congressman Nathan Deal has resigned to run for governor, sticking taxpayers with the cost of a special election after having clung to his congressional salary as long as he apparently could. Fogle would have you think Barrett should have done the same.

Boy Fogle, who got his start in GA politics, hedges his bets by calling the placeholder Deal a "prominent" politician. Never mind the two congressional investigations into his financial dealings that will now, conveniently, come to a halt.

It's worth noting that Fogle's never called on SC Attorney General Henry McMaster, who's running for governor and paying his employers to help him win, to resign while clinging to his state paycheck. Not even after it emerged that one of his senior deputies was caught in a graveyard with a car full of Viagra, sex toys and a stripper. Now that's keeping your eye on the ball.

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